HR Consulting

HR Consulting


Today there are few people who do not understand the importance and critical influence that the coordination and leadership of human behavior have on the results of any activity of a team or group of people. An identical statement could be made about the assessment and importance of the diversity of thought and visions of the members of a team. When making up teams, diversity should be considered not only taking into account age and hierarchical differences, but —essentially— their members should have a varied academic background or work experience, as teams with age and interdisciplinary differences are the ones that provide the highest added value to companies.

Therefore, in production business units, the so-called human capital has acquired such an importance that the determining factor to attain differentiation is fundamentally connected to people that make up such units. For some time it has been said that in this post-modern world all economic transactions carried out by consumers are made with service companies, which often have a product incorporated in the services they provide.

Services (including post-sale ones) provided by companies is what determines the prestige and value of trade marks (®). This is how clients are made and, primarily, how loyalty is built.

The definitions above, if considered valid, force companies to consider the fact that investing (time, actions and training) in their staff is a key premise for the success and sustainability of their businesses. The purpose of this investment is attaining not only the staff’s identification with the company’s goals and objectives, but also succeeding in conveying the importance and incidence that individual actions and joint ones as a whole have for the achievement of the company’s overall intended result.

In this second decade of the 21st century, with workers that make up companies usually having different idiosyncrasies, and even being part of much different generations (Traditionalists[1],Baby Boomers[2], X[3], and Y[4]), the lack of an appropriate HR policy may turn the path toward fulfilling companies’ goals or objectives into a tortuous one.

For such reason, external consulting in the HR area, in coordination with companies’ Board of Directors, managers or senior officials, is usually useful when the aim is to align the business staff with its goals and needs, which can be attained through the implementation of different tools focused on training, motivating and understanding the true existing problems that, in many cases, are not measurable by the HR Department as they are themselves immersed in the business culture and in everyday matters.

With companies’ own staff and, in certain specific cases, with external collaboration of specialists in coaching or training, we provide a service that consists of collaborating with and advising the managerial team or the Board of Directors on the following aspects: design and implementation of their general HR policy; definition and measurement of the culture companies want; development of organizational charts and departments´ planning; internal communication and their content; talk building and follow-up with staff; personnel training, and interpersonal conflict solving or conflict resolution among different areas within the companies. All this is achieved by supporting our work and, in certain situations, with the required legal backup for an improved implementation of solutions.

The Action Plan (AP) is agreed on with our clients´ Business Management and then, based on what has been defined in said AP, it is deployed by a team made up of our members and others from the business HR Department, who lead the management and monitoring of said Plan, according to tasks to be executed and intended goals.

This service may be permanent, with a monthly subscription, or it may be for a defined period of time, with concrete goals or activities previously defined, based on our clients’ needs and expectations.

[1] Born until 1945. Today, in general, the owners or shareholders of companies.
[2] Born from 1945 to 1963/64. In general, members of the Management level or the Board of Directors.
[3] Born from 1964 to 1980. In general, employed in mid-level positions and in certain economic sectors in a managerial level.
[4] Born from 1981 to 2000. Recently arrived in the labor world.